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    Search Engine Optimization

    Don’t ignore the latest SEO trends. The Intellectuals closely monitor every development that takes place in digital marketing. We are of the view that businesses should sync with relevant SEO strategies and take on their competitors with full vigour.

    Get set for more traffic

    Your success depends on the connectivity between words and intent behind a search query. With the aid of AI and ML, we try to dig out the users’ feelings, intent that helps find the relevant answers and link them to the content.

    We want you to live to tell success with one per cent keyword without ending up in keyword stuffing as suggested by SEO guru Neil Patel. Beware, Google is getting smarter every year with its algorithms. That is why there is a need to create content focusing on sub-topics and related areas with are closely linked.

    You need an SEO consultant to avoid the Google penalty. Since search engines constantly police content marketers, we go to great lengths to be on the safer side, and be in the good books of search engines at the same time inviting the attention of the target audience. Our SEO experts ensure you have zero bounce rates. The audience will find what they are looking for. And, you may be looking for the same, aren’t you?

    We do ensure you nofollow certain links and invite attention to your site and not to other’s sites. We have terrible link building strategies to bring searchers to your website.

    Judicious use of keywords

    Our experts judiciously use long-tail keywords as well as shorter keywords for your content optimization. A combination of keyword strategies ensures swift ranking. Talk to us we guide you on engaging the audience with multiple media types. All work towards your high rank, best result when it comes to sales conversion.