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    Testimonials Writing

    Testimonials are important to validate the benefit claims of a product or service. Getting testimonies is an arduous task for firms, especially the small and medium or micro ones. We understand their world and did a lot of research on how to increase the credibility of the company through testimonies.

    First of all, it is a strategy. Generally, we focus on blogs to create testimonies for a product. Our strategy is to tie up with micro-influencers and request them how they felt about a product or service. We have been fairly successful in our endeavours and look out to take up more challenges to help our valuable customers.

    No ads can sell a bad product

    In advertising there is an adage, no ads can sell a bad product. Therefore, we assess a product or service before we take a plunge. We also request the firms to provide their customer contact information to communicate with them and get the testimonials.

    Another challenge firms face is taking a video coverage of the customers who are happy with the product. Once sign a deal with them we do the needful to get the video review done on behalf of the company through diplomatic initiatives. We have some mutually advantageous packages to rope in customers to write reviews and we follow up with other customers to agree or disagree and gently suggest them to write suggestions.

    We help sell more with testimonials

    Ultimately, getting testimonials is not an easy task. But we go great lengths for our valuable customers and help them write testimonials or reviews. Some customers have a problem like they don’t know what to write. We provide them with interesting ideas or insights on the key benefits they received through a product/service and help them create relevant content on how their problems got solved through a particular product or service.